Mission Clinton was developed 5 years ago with the hope of developing a clearing house to help meet needs without our own community. Over the past years we have seen it continually grow and develop. There are several components to Mission Clinton: Furniture deliveries, NWT Clothing for working moms, Minor household repairs and yard work, Smart Choice Food, Community Cafe, and Teacher Warehouse.
Mission Clinton’s mission statement is Neighbors Helping Neighbors. Mission Clinton and Teacher Warehouse were two of the five featured organization in the recent Missouri Community Betterment presentation for the state of Missouri. The city of Clinton literally sweep the awards in 2011, winning all categories and the overall City Of the Year Award.
It is estimated that Mission Clinton has contributed a value of over one million dollars back into the community.. The New Clothing Distribution Ministry has given more than $120,000 in New With Tag cloths back to our community. Teacher Warehouse has given away more than $85,000 in supplies to the teachers in our area. In the 7 years of Angel Food and now Smart Choice more than $350,000 in food was given away and more than 1,000,000 in savings was seen.
Mission Clinton is a 501(c)3 not for profit, non-religious organization that has a goal of "Neighbor Helping Neighbor". If you would like to help or you have furniture, teacher type supplies, or even money that you would like to invest in other people, please contact us. You may even use the online giving link on this website if you would like to designate gifts to Mission Clinton. All monetary Gifts are tax deductible.
Community Cafe is open each Friday night from 5:30 - 6:30 pm and serves a free meal to anyone who would like to come. There are no qualifications.