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90 Day Reading and Question Plan


Day 1 Matthew 1-4

1. Chapter 1 is sometimes known as the "begat chapter." Why do you think it is important for Matthew to include this genealogy?

2. What do you notice about Matthew's Christmas story that is different from what you are used to hearing?

3. What prompted Jesus to go into the wilderness following his baptism?


Day 2 Matthew 5-6

1. What comments does Jesus make about the law?

2. Chapter 6 contains one version of the Lord's Prayer. What part seems to be missing?

3. Worrying is a way of life for many people. What does Jesus say about worrying?


Day 3 Matthew 7-9

1. How do you know the true nature of people (or of fruit trees)?

2. Wise people build their houses upon rock just as followers build their lives on Jesus’ ?

3. Why did Jesus eat with tax collectors and sinners?


Day 4 Matthew 10-11

1. Jesus sent the 12 disciples out to the lost sheep of the house of Israel to do what?

2. What will those who lose their life for Jesus sake find?

3. With whom does Jesus identify John the Baptist?


Day 5 Matthew 12-13

1. Is it lawful to cure on the Sabbath?

2. For what will people be forgiven? For what will they not be forgiven?

3. Chapter 13 is packed with the "parables of the Kingdom." What things does Jesus say the Kingdom of God is like?


Day 6 Matthew 14-16

1. Why did Herod do away with John the Baptist?

2. What is it that defiles a person?

3. Peter makes a great confession about the identity of Jesus and then sticks his foot in his mouth. What did he say in each case?


Day 7 Matthew 17-19

1. From where did Jesus tell Peter to get the temple tax?

2. According to Jesus how should we go about resolving disagreements in the church? How many times should we go through this process?

3. What makes it hard for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God? Is it impossible?


Day 8 Matthew 20-21

1. The parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard is not a very good model of how to run a successful business operation. What is the point of the parable?

2. What was it that motivated Jesus to raise a ruckus in the temple?


Day 9 Matthew 22-23

1. What is the greatest commandment?

2. In describing God's caring love and protection for his people what kind of animal action does Jesus use to illustrate his point?


Day 10 Matthew 24-25

1. At what hour will the Son of Man come? How can we be ready for him?

2. According to "The Parable of the Talents" what should we do with the gifts God entrusts to us? What should we not do with those gifts?


Day 11 Matthew 26

1. What festive meal did Jesus celebrate with his disciples for the last time?

2.Did Jesus really want to suffer and die?

3. Whose ear was cut off in the garden of Gethsemane?


Day 12 Matthew 27-28

1. What did Jesus' betrayer get for his efforts? What did he do with it? What did he do with himself? What was done with his reward for betrayal?

2. Did Pilate really want to execute Jesus? What did Pilate do to express where he stood in regards to Jesus' execution?

3. Where did Jesus meet the disciples after his resurrection? Where did he tell them and all his followers to go and what were/are they/we to do?


Day 13 Mark 1-3

1. How is the beginning of Mark different from the beginning of Matthew?

2. For whom was the Sabbath made?

3. Who are Jesus' brothers and sisters?


Day 14 Mark 4-5

1. The growth of God's kingdom has small beginnings like what kind of seed?

2. What did Jesus do that moved the disciples to ask, "Who then is this..."?

3. What did Jesus tell the man who was set free from demons to do?


Day 15 Mark 6-7

1. What prevented Jesus from doing deeds of power in his hometown?

2. What moved Jesus to compassion for the crowd on the lakeshore?

3. How did the Syrophoenician woman challenge Jesus?


Day 16 Mark 8-9

1. When Jesus fed the 5,000 he began with 5 loaves. How many did he feed the 4,000 with?

2. Why did the disciples worry about bread after leaving the crowd?

3. What were the disciples arguing about as they traveled to Capernaum?


Day 17 Mark 10-11

1. Who will never enter the Kingdom of God?

2. What two disciples wanted Jesus to do a special favor for them?

3. What can faith in God take up and throw into the sea?


Day 18 Mark 12-13

1. Should we pay taxes?

2. Who put the greatest offering into the temple treasury? How much?

3. What did Jesus say would not pass away?


Day 19 Mark 14

1. When would Jesus drink again of the fruit of the vine?

2. Where did Jesus suggest his captors could have arrested him?

3. Why did Peter deny Jesus?


Day 20 Mark 15-16

1. Whom did the people want set free instead of Jesus? What was his crime?

2. As he was dying whom did Jesus think had forsaken him?

3. What was the reaction of, the women to the message that Jesus had been raised?


Day 21 Luke 1-2

1. What angel brought news of upcoming births to Zechariah and Mary?

2. What was the reason Zechariah couldn't speak? When would he be able to speak again

3. Who was the child born to Zechariah and Elizabeth?

4. What things did Mary treasure and ponder in her heart?

5.Who are the two people who were awaiting the birth of the Messiah?


Day 22 Luke 3-4

1. From what is God able to raise up children to Abraham?

2. What are the 3 temptations Jesus faced in the wilderness? How does he respond to them

3. From what scroll did Jesus read to his hometown folk? What got them so upset that they wanted to hurl him off a cliff?


Day 23 Luke 5-6

1. What professions did some of the disciples hold before following Jesus?

2. What did Jesus ask us to do to our enemies? To others we meet in life?

3. What did Jesus have to say about judging, condemning, and forgiving?


Day 24 Luke 7-8

1.What might have prompted John the Baptist to ask if Jesus was the Messiah?

2. Who is likely to love the most?

3. Where do you fit in the parable of the sower?


Day 25 Luke 9-10

1. Who will the Son of Man be ashamed of when he comes in his glory?

2. Who is the greatest?

3. Who are we to love as ourselves?

4. What was the better part that Mary chose?


Day 26 Luke 11-12

1. What did Jesus say to be like when praying?

2. What does one's life not consist of?

3. What can we add to our span of life by worrying about our life?

4. What treasures are you storing up for the future? Where is your heart?


Day 27 Luke 13-15

1. What does the parable of the fig tree suggest about repentance?

2. Who is invited into the kingdom?

3. How does God act toward those who are lost?


Day 28 Luke 16-18

1. What was Jesus wanting to teach when he told the story about Lazarus and the rich man?

2. What made one of the ten lepers different?

3. Who was it that went home from the temple justified? Why?


Day 29 Luke 19-20

1. What did Zacchaeus offer to do when Jesus came to his house? How did Jesus respond?

2. Even if Jesus ordered his disciple to stop praising him what would cry out in praise?

3. To what event does the parable of the vineyard point?

4. What do the Sadducees not believe?


Day 30 Luke 21-22

1. Jesus told the parable of the fig tree as a way of knowing what was near?

2. How did the disciples know where to prepare the Passover?

3. As Jesus prayed on the Mount of Olives what did his sweat become like?


Day 31 Luke 23-24

1. What charges were brought against Jesus? Was he found to be guilty?

2. What was the name of the place where Jesus was crucified?

3. According to Luke what 3 statements did Jesus make from the cross?

4. What things did Jesus do after his resurrection so that his disciples were able to recognize him?


Day 32 John 1-3

1. What words/phrase does John use to describe the birth of Jesus?

2. What phrase does John the Baptist use to identify Jesus?

3. What is the first miracle that Jesus does in John’s Gospel?

4. Who was confused about being born again or born from above? What is necessary to enter the Kingdom of God?

5. Who and how much does God love?


Day 33 John 4-5

1. What did Jesus ask of the woman of Samaria? What did he offer her?

2. How do true worshipers worship the Father?

3. What motivated Jesus' enemies to seek all the more to kill him?


Day 34 John 6-7

1. The feeding of the 5,000 is the only miracle recorded by all 4 Gospels. What does John's account of the miracle report that the other 3 don't?

2. For what reason did Jesus say that the people were looking for him?

3. How does Jesus describe himself in relation to bread?

4. What flows out of the believer's heart?


Day 35 John 8-9

1. How does Jesus respond to the woman caught in adultery?

2. As believers continue to follow Jesus, abiding in his word, they are his disciples. What will they come to know? What will that do for them?

3. Jesus is the light of the world. He came into the world for judgment so what could happen to people both positively and negatively?


Day 36 John 10-11

1. What are the characteristics of the good shepherd? What does the good shepherd lay down? On whose accord?

2. Why does Jesus wait so long to go to the aid of Lazarus?

3. What made the raising of Lazarus seem a little more difficult?

4. What worried the chief priests and Pharisees about Jesus' performing signs? Whose skin were they thinking about? What was the final solution?


Day 37 John 12-13

1. In defending Mary's anointing him whom did Jesus say we would always have with us

2. According to John what did Jesus do at his last supper that Matthew, Mark, and Luke do not report?

3. What is the new commandment that Jesus gives to his disciples?


Day 38 John 14-16

1. What did Jesus say to Thomas after Thomas said he didn't know the way because he didn't know where Jesus was going?.

2. What is the greatest sign of love?

3. Why is it to the disciples' advantage for Jesus to "go away"?


Day 39 John 17-18

1. Jesus prays that all those who follow him might be what?

2. The other Gospels report that one of Jesus' disciples cut off a slave's ear in the garden of Gethsemane. Who is it according to John's Gospel?

3. What reason did the Jews give for bringing Jesus to Pilate and not judging and sentencing him themselves?


Day 40 John 19-20

1. What does the Hebrew word "Golgatha" mean?

2. In what languages was the inscription Pilate had placed on Jesus' cross written? What did it say?

3. What flowed from Jesus side when he was pierced with the spear?

4. According to John who was the first person to witness the risen Lord?

5. Thomas got to see the wounded and risen Lord and so believed. Whom did Jesus say are blessed?

6. What is the purpose of the Gospel book of John?


Day 41 John 21 - Acts 2

1. What are Jesus' instructions to Peter?

2. The beginning of Acts refers to a first book. It has the same name as the author of Acts. What book is it?

3. Who is to know the time when the Kingdom will be restored?

4. Who replaced Judas and how was he chosen? By whom was he chosen?

5. What happened on Pentecost?

6. What did those who heard the disciples speaking think about them?


Day 42 Acts 3-5

1. What happened to the lame man at the Beautiful Gate?

2. Who is the stone whom the builders rejected? What has he become?

3. What happened to Ananias and Sapphira? Why?

4. What happens to an undertaking of human origin? What if it is of God?


Day 43 Acts 6-8

1. For what task were the seven men "of good standing, full of the Spirit and of wisdom," chosen?

2. What connection was there between Stephen and Saul?

3. What did the Ethiopian eunuch ask Philip to do?


Day 44 Acts 9-10

1. Saul was after those who belonged to a group called by what name?

2. What happened to Saul on the way to Damascus?

3. Peter raised a woman from death in Joppa. What names did she have?

4. What was the purpose of Peter's vision of the sheet full of food?


Day 45 Acts 11-13

1. Where is the name "Christian" first used?

2. How did Peter get out of prison?

3. What happened to Elymas the magician for opposing Saul and Barnabas?


Day 46 Acts 14-16

1. After healing a lame man in Lystra whom did the locals think Paul was?

2. What some of the Jerusalem Christians said was needed to be saved?

3. Paul and Silas' chains were loosed. Why didn't they leave the prison?


Day 47 Acts 17-19

1. When Paul entered a city where did he go first? For what purpose?

2. In what city had the citizens set up an altar to "an unknown god"? How did Paul make use of the "unknown god"?

3. What couple explained the Way of God more accurately to Apollos?

4. What/Who stirred up a riot in Ephesus? How was it stilled? By whom?


Day 48 Acts 20-21

1. What happened to Eutychus? What did Paul do?

2. What did Paul say he did with his own hands? For what reason?

3. Who stirred up the crowd against Paul? What were their charges against Paul? Were they true?


Day 49 Acts 22-24

1. How does Paul get out of being flogged?

2. How did Paul arouse a clamor among the chief priests and council?

3. How were the Jewish leaders going to do away with Paul?

4. What did Felix do with Paul'?


Day 50 Acts 25-26

1. Why did Festus consider sending Paul to Jerusalem for trial?

2. Before what King does Paul appear? Who is with the King?

3. What does the King think Paul is trying to do?


Day 51 Acts 27-28

1. In his "I told you so" address aboard the boat to Italy, what did Paul urge them to do? What would be the outcome? How did Paul know?

2. How many people were on board the ship? What plan did the soldiers have for the prisoners? Upon what island did they safely arrive?

3. What caused the island natives to think Paul was a god?

4. Where is Paul located at the end of Acts? How long was he there? What did he do there?


Day 52 Romans 1-3

1. How does Paul define the Gospel?

2. What happens when people fail to honor God as God and thank him?

3. What happens when we pass judgment on another?

4. For what reason can no one be justified/saved in God's sight by the law?

5. Since all have sinned how are we then justified/saved?


Day 53 Romans 4-7

1. What does the law bring? What is not present when there is no law?

2. How has God proven his love for us? What does that mean?

3. What is God's free gift? How do we get it? What are the wages of sin?

4. When Paul wants to do good what lies close at hand? Who rescues him?


Day 54 Romans 8-10

1. Who / what will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ?

2. Who are counted as the descendants who are the children of God?

3. From where does faith come?


Day 55 Romans 11-14

1. Who has received God's mercy because of Israel's disobedience?

2. How can you be a living sacrifice?

3. What fulfills the law?

4. Whether we live or whether we die whose are we?


Day 56 Romans 15 - I Corinthians 1

1. Living in harmony how are Christians to glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ

2. How are the Romans to greet one another?

3. What was the nature of the divisions at Corinth that concerned Paul?

4. How is the message of the cross received?

5. What is wiser than human wisdom? Stronger than human strength?


Day 57 I Corinthians 2-6

1. What has no eye seen, nor ear heard, nor heart conceived?

2. Who planted? Who watered? Who gave growth? What is the goal? Who is the foundation? Who is God's temple? Who dwells in that temple?

3. Paul writes this letter for what purpose? The Corinthians may have many guardians but not __________________________ ?

4. What disorders does Paul lift up in the behavior of the Corinthians?

5. Who will not inherit the Kingdom of God? What has made Christians not "their own?"


Day 58 1 Corinthians 7-9

1. For what reason does Paul recommend that people remain in their current status in life?

2. What is the issue with food offered to idols? What is Paul's solution?

3. What is the nature/character of Christian freedom?


Day 59 I Corinthians 10-12

1. For what purpose does Paul lift up the wilderness experience as a warning against overconfidence and going through the motions?

2. What abuses are occurring at the sharing of the Lord's Supper?

3. What are some of the grace gifts of the Spirit? Why are they given?


Day 60 1 Corinthians 13-15

1. What is the greatest gift?

2. What problem did speaking in tongues cause for the church at Corinth?

3. What kind of body will the resurrected body be?


Day 61 I Corinthians 16 - 2 Corinthians 4

1. We are to keep alert, stand firm in faith, be courageous and strong and let all that we do is to be done in ________________?

2. How are we comforted? How are we able to comfort others?

3. In what kind of procession does Christ always lead us?

4. What is found where the Spirit of the Lord is?

5. To whom is the gospel veiled? What is the treasure in clay jars?


Day 62 2 Corinthians 5-8

1. What does it mean to be a "new creation" in Christ?

2. How are we urged to receive the grace of God? What does that mean? What comes from godly grief? Worldly grief?

3. Who became poor for our sakes? How did he become poor for us?


Day 63 2 Corinthians 9-12

1. What kind of giver does God love? What does generosity produce?

2. If we are to boast how are we to do it?

3. Who can be disguised as an angel of light? Ministers of righteousness?

4. Why was he given a "thorn in the flesh?" How was it overcome? Why is Paul willing to boast of his weakness?


Day 64 2 Corinthians 13 - Galatians 3

1. For what reason does Paul call us to examine ourselves? Who is in us?

2. How can there be "another gospel"? From where did Paul get the gospel?

3. If justification comes through works of the law what did Christ die for? What is nullified if justification comes through works of the law?

4. All who rely on the law are under a ______? How are we clothed with Christ?


Day 65 Galatians 4 - Ephesians 1

1. The Galatians are not children of the flesh but children of the?

2. What is the only thing that counts? How is the law summed up?

3. What are the 9 fruits of the Spirit? How is a transgressor to be restored?

4. Sowing to the flesh reaps? To the Spirit? What is our society reaping?

5. When did God put his power to work in Christ?


Day 66 Ephesians 2-5

1. What does being saved by grace mean? For what have we been created?

2. To and by whom was the mystery of Christ revealed? What does it mean?

3. What is the purpose of the gifts that God gives in Christ?

4. How are we to deal with our anger? Forgiven in Christ how should we be?


Day 67 Ephesians 6 - Philippians 3

1. Name the 1st commandment with a promise? What should fathers not do?

2. What has happened to Paul? How has that helped spread the gospel?

3. How are we to regard others? How are we to work out our salvation?

4. What is the goal toward which Paul presses on? Where is our citizenship?


Day 68 Philippians 4 - Colossians 2

1. How are we to rejoice and pray? What things are we to keep on doing.?

2. How is Christ described in 1 Colossians? Of whom is he the image?

3. When we were dead in our trespasses how did God make us alive?


Day 69 Colossians 3 - 1 Thessalonians 3

1. Living a new life in Christ what are we to get rid of? With what are we to clothe ourselves? What is to rule in our hearts? Dwell in us?

2. What are the Christian duties of wives, husbands, children, parents, servants, bosses?

3. From whom did the Thessalonians turn? Whom do they now serve?

4. How did Paul and his companions care for and deal with the Thessalonians?

5. Because of persecutions against the Thessalonians what was Paul afraid might have happened among them?


Day 70 I Thessalonians 4 - 2 Thessalonians 3

1. How are we to live? To what did God not call us? In what did He call us? What/Whom is being rejected when the call to purity is rejected?

2. What armor are Christians to put on? For what purpose?

3. What can those who do not know God and who do not obey the gospel expect?

4. Those who are perishing refuse to do what? What happens as a result?

5. What instruction is given for those who are idle and unwilling to work?


Day 71 I Timothy 1-5

1. For what reason(s) is Paul instructing Timothy with this letter?

2. For whom are we to pray? For what reason(s)?

3. What guidelines are given for leaders in the church?

4. How are old wives' tales to be regarded? In what are we to train? Why?

5. Why is the behavior and treatment of widows a concern?


Day 72 I Timothy 6 - 2 Timothy 3

1. What is the root of many kinds of evil? Of what are Christians to take hold?

2. How did Timothy come to faith?

3. What will come in the last days? How will this be revealed in people?

4. What is the purpose of Scripture?


Day 73 2 Timothy 4 - Titus - Philemon

1. How does the author of Timothy face the end of his own life?

2. What was Titus to do in Crete? What are the guidelines he is to apply?

3. How does the grace of God train us to live our lives?

4. To what does the water of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit refer?

5. What is the relationship of Onesimus to Philemon? What might it be?


Day 74 Hebrews 1-5

1. In what ways is the Son of God superior to the angels?

2. What does it mean for us that Jesus himself was tested by suffering?

3. How does Jesus compare to Moses? Why? Who is the house of God?

4. Why can believers approach the throne of grace with boldness?

5. How did Christ learn obedience? What did he then become? For whom?


Day 75 Hebrews 6-9

1. What are the two unchangeable things of God that set hope before us?

2. Who is Melchizedek? Why doesn't our high priest need to make continued sacrifice?

3. What is the nature of the new covenant mediated through Jesus?

4. What did Christ appear at the end of the age to remove? How?


Day 76 Hebrews 10-11

1. We are to consider how to provoke one another to do what? What are we not to neglect that has become the habit of some?

2. What is faith? What happens by faith? What are some examples of biblical faith? What did the people of faith see and greet from a distance?


Day 77 Hebrews 12 - James I

1. For whose good might God discipline us? For what reason? What fruit does discipline yield

2. What can happen by showing hospitality to strangers? Who is the same through all time?

3. Does God tempt us? How are we tempted? To what can temptation lead? To what does sin give birth? What's the difference between doers and mere hearers of the word?


Day 78 James 2-5

1. What is the danger of showing partiality between rich and poor? What is the royal law of scripture? What is the result of failing in just one point of the law? What is faith without works?

2. What makes the tongue such a dangerous weapon?

3. What happens when we wish to be a friend of worldly things?

4. What is the result of bringing back one who has wandered from the truth?


Day 79 1 Peter 1-3

1. With what have we been ransomed from the futile ways of our ancestors?

2. What kind of stones are we to be? Built into what?

3. In the time of Noah water destroyed all but 8; what does it do now?


Day 80 1 Peter 4 - 2 Peter 2

1. For what reason was the gospel proclaimed to the dead?

2. For what must we keep alert?

3. What has God's divine power given us?

4. Why is it better for false prophets to have never known the way of righteousness?


Day 81 2 Peter 3 - 1 John 2

1. What fact should we not ignore in regards to the Lord's timetable?

2. What do we do if we say that we have no sin? If we confess our sin?

3. What do those who live in the light do? Those who live in darkness?


Day 82 I John 3-5

1. How are the children of God to love?

2. How do we know the Spirit of God? The spirit of the antichrist? Where is love from? Why do we love?

3. Who are the world's conquerors? God gave us eternal life; where is it?


Day 83 2 John - 3 John - Revelation 1

1. Who are the deceivers? What's another name for a deceiver?

2. For what is Diotrephes criticized?

3. According to Jude who are the ones causing divisions among the faithful? How are the faithful to respond?

4. Where is the writer of Revelation? What are the 7 stars? 7 lamp stands?


Day 84 Revelation 2-3

1. From what had the church at Ephesus fallen? What were they to do?

2. What is the situation of the church at Smyrna? What are they encouraged to do?

3. For what is the church at Pergamurn being commended? Scolded?

4. Who was the church at Thyatira tolerating? What was her wrongdoing? What did she refuse to do? With what result?

5. What was the problem at the church at Sardis? What will be the result of their not waking up? Of their conquering?

6. For what is the church at Philadelphia commended? From what will they be kept?

7. What is the problem with the works of the church at Laodicea? What is about to happen as a result? Who is standing at the door? Doing what? For what?


Day 85 Revelation 4-6

1. Who is seated on the throne? What do the 24 elders sing to him?

2. Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals? What did the angels sing? What did every creature in heaven and on earth sing?

3. What do the 4 horses and their color represent? What do the 5th and 6th seals represent?


Day 86 Revelation 7-11

1. How many were sealed with a forehead marking? Who are those robed in white? Where are they? What will God and the Lamb do to/for them?

2. What happens when the angels blow their trumpets? What will be fulfilled when the seventh trumpet is sounded? What did the 24 elders sing after the 7th trumpet was sounded?


Day 87 Revelation 12-14

1. What does the dragon try to do and what does it represent?

2. What is the number of the beast? Whom does the beast represent?

3. What happens to those who worship the beast? Those who die in the Lord?


Day 88 Revelation 15-17

1. What ends with the last seven plagues?

2. How are the 7 last plagues described?

3. Who is seated on the scarlet beast? What happens?


Day 89 Revelation 18-19

1. What are God's people summoned to do concerning the doomed city?

2. What is the rider of the white horse called? What does he do? What is his name called? What is the name inscribed on his robe and thigh? What did he do to the beast and kings of the earth?


Day 90 Revelation 20-22

1. Who is the dragon? What happens to him? What happens in the first resurrection? Who is raised? What will they be? What happens when the thousand years are ended?

2. What will occur after the first heaven and first earth have passed away? What will God wipe from eyes? What will be made new? Who/What is the bride of Christ the Lamb? In the new Jerusalem where will the temple be? Who will enter the new Jerusalem?

3. From where does the water of life come? For what will the leaves of tree of life be used? Who is the bright morning star? When is he coming?



Form and ask questions.

Reflect upon the 90 day journey you have just made.

What was your greatest joy? Surprise? Disappointment?

Write down your responses