Sunday Morning Bible Study Classes




Below are the potential Bible Study Classes which meet at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

Nursery (birth through 2 years)     Kathy Lawson (885-2190) and Donna Flippin (885-8645)

Preschool (3 years through kindergarten)     Mary Green (885-2080)

1st Grade Through 3rd Grade     Shirley Caskey (885-2405)

4th Grade through 5th Grade     Erin Underwood (660-232-0233)

Middle School Girls     Amanda Lawson (885-4259)

Middle School Boys     Rev. David and Lora Hathcock (885-2596)

High School      Tim and Kathy Loyd (885-3531)

College and Career     Jan House (885-8211) and Tim Taylor (885-6621)

Young Married  Nate and Aleasha Bancroft (351-6056)

Mixed Special Needs Class     Jerry and Barbara Mosley (351-3310)

Adult (primarily median age)     Charles and Pat Dundas (660-477-3560)

Adult (mix)     Sandy Swanagon (885-8734)

Adult  (Pastors Class)     Rev. Roger House  (885-8211)

                                  This classes meets from 8:45 a.m. until 9:25 a.m.  We are currently

                                  examining 9 Tests That Every Christian Must Take

Heart To Heart / Mom To Mom - 13 Week class for potential mom's, already mom's, and more     Michelle Taylor (885-6621)

Older Adult Women     Sheryll Crooks (885-5623)

Older Adult Mixed     Leon Caskey  (885-2405)

NEWCOMERS CLASS - On the first Sunday of each month we offer NewComers, a one hour class that helps you gain an understanding of what ABC is all about and how we operate.     Norma Jean Burnett (885-6762) and Ed Underwood (525-1909)

Throughout the year we will offer other short term classes such as Parenting, What We Believe, etc...



This site was last updated 05/07/09